Relational Operators Relational Operators are used to states the truth value of the expression. Result of these operators are either 1 (for true) or 0 (for false). There are six such operators in C language. < (less than), > (greater
Bitwise operators
Bitwise Operators Operators that performs on bits (0 or 1) are known as bitwise operators. There are six bitwise operators & AND | OR ^ XOR ~ NOT >> Right Shift > Left shift >2; printf(“%d”,x); return(0); } Output: 3
Arithmetic Operators
Arithmetic Operators There are 5 arithmetic operators in C language. * (Multiplication), / (Divide) and % (Modulus) +(addition) and – (Subtraction) Operators *,/ and % are having same priority but higher priority than + and -. Operator + and –
Unary Operators
Arithmetic Instruction Arithmetic instruction is used to manipulate data using operators To understand operators in a better way we put them in 7 groups. Unary Operators Arithmetic Operators Bitwise Operators Relational Operators Logical Operators Conditional Operators Assignment Operators Unary Operators
User Input
Input Instruction (user input) Default input device is keyboard. Input instruction makes possible to user input data from keyboard scanf() scanf() is a predefined function. It is used to input data from keyboard and stores in variables of the program.
Escape Sequences
Escape Sequences Escape sequences are special symbols prefixed with a back slash ( \ ). These symbols can be used in printf() function to provide a formatted output. Sometimes they are used in formatted input too. Here is the list
Input Output Instruction
Input Output Instruction User interaction with a program on machine required input/output device Standard Input device is keyboard and standard output device is monitor. An instruction which is used to print something on the screen or any other output device
Modifiers Modifiers are the keywords used to modify the properties of data type. Modifiers are short, long, signed, unsigned. Below is the list of all possible combination of use of modifiers with data type: For Integers int, short int, signed
Data Type Declaration Instruction
Data Types Primary objective of any program is to process data. Data is raw information that your program manipulated to yield a meaningful information. Data comes in various forms, name of a city is a data and age of a
Instruction Instruction is what a sentence in English. Sentence is a meaningful combination of words. Instruction too made up by combining identifiers. The set of rules which constitutes a sentence is known as grammar. In C language grammar is called