Relational Operators Relational Operators are used to states the truth value of the expression. Result of these operators are either 1 (for true) or 0 (for false). There are six such operators in C language. < (less than), > (greater
Bitwise operators
Bitwise Operators Operators that performs on bits (0 or 1) are known as bitwise operators. There are six bitwise operators & AND | OR ^ XOR ~ NOT >> Right Shift > Left shift >2; printf(“%d”,x); return(0); } Output: 3
Arithmetic Operators
Arithmetic Operators There are 5 arithmetic operators in C language. * (Multiplication), / (Divide) and % (Modulus) +(addition) and – (Subtraction) Operators *,/ and % are having same priority but higher priority than + and -. Operator + and –